Where oh where did 2013 go??

Today is December 1st. *Mom, don’t read the next sentence.* You know what that means: 24 days until Christmas. Or 25… depending on how you count. What?? I’m pretty sure yesterday it was October. Wasn’t it? Where the heck did November go?? The last two weeks have been a blur of the hospital, work, a crazy toddler, and general cleaning and decorating. For those that don’t know, Hubby was in an accident at work two weeks ago (ish). Very long story short he has a broken right foot (mild break) and at least one plate plus some screws holding together his left tibia and fibula right above his ankle where they broke in 7-8 places. So he has basically spent 90% of the last week on the couch (he was in the hospital 4 days before he came home) as he can only be up for a limited time before he starts to have pain.

So, understandably, the last two weeks have been a blur. And now, today is December. My tree is up. It’s nude, but it’s up. I managed to get the fireplace decorated yesterday. I still have the banister to finish and the totes to clean up. Plus the tree. Oh the tree.

But my little boy, my sweet G, is worth every piece of garland and glitter I put up. His sweet face lights up and he leans forward and says “Oooh” so sweetly any time he sees a new decoration. Or any time we turn the tree lights on. He is so full of wonder (and mischief) and wants so badly to touch everything. And eat the glittered things.

Today we went to a Christmas parade. We went to one last year but he wasn’t very interested. This year he fully enjoyed the floats and the people. He waved and clapped and said “hi!” He looked so grown up in his little fleece vest, reindeer hat, and Levi’s. And that’s the main problem with entire months being left behind. My sweet precious tiny boy is growing up and it’s happening too fast. If I miss a whole month, what else did I miss?