A Letter of Love

Dear Son,
I love nursing you. I love watching you wag your head back and forth in order to find the milks. I love how excited you get when you realize the milks are getting close. I love how, when you finally latch on and get your first draw of milk, your little body relaxes and your eyes roll back in your head. I love when I can see your tiny tongue at the corner of your mouth. I love the little sounds you make while nursing; sweet little sighs and hums. The growls, grunts, and honks are pretty cute too. I love your sweet hands as they slowly open and close; such a graceful and gentle movement. I love when you turn to look at me with your bright eyes as though you just need to see my face. I love to cuddle your tiny little body up to me as you nurse, knowing you won’t be so tiny or dependent for long. My sweet one, I love that I can do this for you; providing comfort and nourishment only the way a mother can. This is our special time together that no one else can match. I love you my sweet.
Your momma